What a drudging month January is. Grey weather, holidays over and done with, dark wet evenings. Thankfully the gloom has been lightened somewhat round these parts by a few great releases that got sent my way in the New Year: the ever magical Animal Collective have returned with an EP and also the new Kurt Vile record, the reviews of which you can find here and here.
On top of this, straight off the press today here's a link to my interview with Spectrals (aka Louis Jones) for the BBC West Yorkshire. It was great to hear his thoughts, he seems a really intelligent nice lad with some impressive music to boot. I'm imagining 2010 will be his year.
So, coming up there should be something a-brewing for the BBC with Adam Nodwell, head honcho of Burnt Toast, British Wildlife Records (www.britishwildliferecords.com) and general finger/pie man in Leeds. His podcasts (nodcasts if you will) really are something else, I tremble at the thought of facing him in any music quiz.
There's plenty of information there for everyone to digest so I'll sign off. Keep busy and hopefully spring will get here quicker! TTFN.