Hello once more.
I'm finally back at work after what seems like one too many festivals. Four in seven weeks is quite enough for anyone, I feel. Showers and beds are massively underrated!
I've just got back from Leeds Festival, my review of which should be in Contact Music in the next week or so. I'll post it here when it's up. My review that I did for them of Le Route Du Rock in France can be found
here. LRDR was a true pleasure to cover and for those who haven't been to Brittany, I highly recommend. It's beautiful and so laid back.
Before all this and somehow wedged between all the camping, I did a placement at The Metro in London. It was only a week but I was lucky enough to get this article published (see above). It's my first in print and I don't think I could be happier about it!
So to round up; I've got a few album reviews coming out for Contact within the next couple of weeks including Simian Mobile Disco, Times New Viking and Julian Plenti (Paul Banks from Interpol). I haven't done anything for BBC Leeds in a while, mosty because I've been so busy with everything else, but I'm going to try and sort out few more articles with them in the next few weeks. Watch this space.
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments about my work, you think more of it than I do! Love From Natalie xx